Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Planetary Rulerships for Prosperity: Part 1: Inner Planets

Each planet in our astrological chart has its own, unique contributions to our prosperity. Here are some of the rulerships:

SUN - Luck, lotteries, gold, children, royalty, your self-confidence in your own power to create wealth.

MOON - Day-to-day fluctuations in the stock market, receptivity to prosperity, saving a little each day for security, silver, antiques.

MERCURY - Learning skills to make money, becoming an expert and teaching others, information about how to make and manage money.

VENUS - Acquiring personal wealth by exchanging something of equal value (Taurus -work or money. Libra - mutual agreements so that both parties will win).

MARS - Physical strength and achievement. Winning, coming first. Iron and steel. Willingness to pioneer.

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