Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Economic Insights of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - who introduced the technique of Transcendental Meditation to the western world - also taught a course called the Science of Creative Intelligence. It included a World Plan, with seven enlightened objectives in the areas of Individual, Governmental, Educational, Social, Environmental, Economic and Spiritual. The Economic objective was "To bring fulfillment to the economic aspirations of individuals and society".

Maharishi aimed to solve the age-old problems of mankind in this generation. This goal is being achieved (still at a relatively subtle level) because the age-old economic problems are now coming to the surface, where they can be examined and solved for once and for all. The whole world is now united in dealing with the same economic challenges, and solutions are unfolding. There are many enlightened meditators in various countries around the world who are using their inner awareness to bring the world economy into harmony with divine law.

In the early 1970s, Maharishi identified two overall economic problems. One is "Economic inbalance causing problems of poverty, unemployment and instability". He said that this problem comes from "Imbalance of individual life which results in the failure to integrate creative thinking with productive activity for the good of all". He described the solution as "Developing full creative intelligence and using it in all fields of thought and action. This alone will strengthen the coordination between creative thinking and dynamic activity to achieve the goals of economics in an equitable and harmonious way".

The second economic problem is "Problems in industry and administration". He described its origin in this way: "Since the nature of life is to grow, when creative intelligence fails to find opportunities for new expressions owing to routine work, the seed of discontent is sown. It sprouts in boredom and frustration at work and grows into dissatisfaction in all directions, overshadowing even the soothing influence of love of family, friends and society at large". He described the solution as: "Daily opportunity for every individual's awareness to go beyond boundaries. This is the practical way to satisfy the evolutionary tendency of man's creative intelligence to grow into fullness".

Note: I was initiated into Transcendental Meditation on June 9, 1973 at 12:00 noon in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. After 35 1/2 years, I am still practising the technique regularly for 20 minutes twice a day.

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