Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Listen to Those with Broad-Scoped Economic Ideals

Astrology gives a cosmic, objective view of the earth, but the link between it and real economic progress is the work of the rare, intelligent few who seek to create a better world with prosperity for all.

Where do you find these inspiring individuals? Some of them may be the winners of the Nobel Prize for Economics. Some may work for the United Nations. Some may hold a political office but be there in the role of true statesmen rather than power-seeking politicians. Some may be the heads of companies whose efforts come from their sincere, religious beliefs rather than profit for its own sake. Some may be ordinary people trying to raise their children properly, knowing that the hand which rocks the cradle rules the world. Some may be unknown beggars or buskers conveying truths to those who pass by.

If you keep an open mind yourself, you will recognize truth, no matter who speaks it or what means they use. It will stand out in your mind, even years later, that a particular person had a different perspective which was "outside of the box", and that their insights are the key to a more prosperous world.

In astrology, the older souls - that is, those who come into this world with much past experience - are generally the ones who are most capable of providing objective, spiritual insights, and they are represented by the sidereal, fixed signs. The mutable signs indicate those who are still learning, and the cardinal signs the new souls, who tend to react rather than respond knowledgeably. However, because anyone has individual willpower and choice, anyone can potentially become an effective channel for the Divine.

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