Thursday, December 4, 2008

What Jesus Taught Us About Prosperity and Faith

Jesus taught us that, if we turn to God, God will provide for us. When he fed the crowd of five thousand with five loaves and two fishes, he did so by taking the loaves and fishes and looking up to heaven and giving thanks to God. In other words, he expressed gratitude in a positive way for what God had provided, regardless of whether it seemed like very much.

This story is not at all far-fetched in modern times. For example, I recently purchased an organic cantaloupe at a health food store. I scooped out the seeds with a tablespoon and realized that a whole cantaloupe plant, with several cantaloupes, could be grown from each seed. There were about 200 seeds from the one fruit and rather than throw them out, I have saved them for next spring to plant. Cantaloupes are an outstanding source of Vitamins A and C, and one cantaloupe can provide food for many people in the future. Besides that, I got to eat the cantaloupe.

Jesus also taught us not to worry about the food and drink you need in order to stay alive nor the clothes for your body. Instead, be concerned with the Kingdom of God and what God requries of you, and God will provide for you.

Look at where Jupiter is in your natal, astrological chart - its sign, houses and aspects - to see where you can better appreciate the prosperity potential which is already in your immediate environment, and how you can best make use of it for the good of all.

Note to the reader: I encourage you to find inspiration in your own religion, whatever it may be, because the essence of all religions is the same, infinite good. I also encourage you to share and communicate your inspiration with others. There are many paths to the top of the mountain, and I write this as one on the Christian path.

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