Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Prosperity, Giving, and Your Jupiter

Prosperity has different meaning for different individuals. Prosperity, in everyone's astrological chart, is ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is a very large planet, and its sign, house and aspects reveal the way in which we as individuals express our generosity, faith, goodness, praise, gratitude and positive beliefs. It shows where we give freely, knowing that we have more than enough to give.

It would be necessary to look at your own, individual chart to give you a thorough description of your Jupiterian potential, but here is a general idea of Jupiter in the signs:

Jupiter in the fire signs of Aries, Leo or Sagittarius - You naturally radiate positive energy and leadership to others. You have a surplus of confidence in infinite abundance, and your fulfilment comes from letting your light, warmth and enthusiasm inspire others.

Jupiter in the earth signs of Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn - Your down-to-earth outlook allows you to set practical goals for the manifestation of prosperity and to achieve them. Your gifts to others are of actual substance. For example, you might build a house for them, care for their health, or give them a promotion.

Jupiter in the air signs of Gemini, Libra or Aquarius - You are blessed with superior mental ability and your contribution to others is on the level of ideas. You like to teach, communicate, socialize, and provide friendship to others. Your mind rises above everyday circumstances to see the whole picture.

Jupiter in the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces - Your gifts to others come from your emotional generosity. You give nurturing, courage and sympathy. You give of yourself to care about others, even in their hardest times, so that they will feel encouraged again.

Note: If you are interested, you can still read the postings at my old blogsites, which are Astrology Inspiration and Nature Ontario.

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