Monday, December 29, 2008

What Would You Do If You Won the Lottery?

If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money? Making a list of your ideas about this is a wonderfully beneficial exercise, regardless of whether you actually win or not. It helps you tap your subconscious mind and see what your real values are, beyond any limiting boundaries. Then you can set your life goals as to what you would really like to achieve and begin to manifest them, as opportunities arise, regardless of whether winning the lottery turns out to be a necessary part of your life's mission.

Besides, if you do win the lottery, the change in your life will happen very suddenly, and a previous plan will give you the stability you will then need for your win to be a positive experience for you.

Good financial planners advise their clients to make a list of their life goals first and to invest second. For example, if you are planning for your retirement, will you want to travel or will you want to stay close to home and do volunteer work? The former would cost you a lot more money than the latter, and might require that you undertake moderately risky investments to get a high enough return. If you plan to live on relatively little, on the other hand, you will not need to risk your life savings in that way.

Some people have more of what is called "risk tolerance" than others. For example, an Arian welcomes risk and brushes off any failure as just being a step towards the next success. A Cancerian, on the other hand, would be thrown into emotional turmoil by any thought of insecurity. So, know yourself first and then set the goals which will make you happiest.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Prosperity, Giving, and Your Jupiter

Prosperity has different meaning for different individuals. Prosperity, in everyone's astrological chart, is ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is a very large planet, and its sign, house and aspects reveal the way in which we as individuals express our generosity, faith, goodness, praise, gratitude and positive beliefs. It shows where we give freely, knowing that we have more than enough to give.

It would be necessary to look at your own, individual chart to give you a thorough description of your Jupiterian potential, but here is a general idea of Jupiter in the signs:

Jupiter in the fire signs of Aries, Leo or Sagittarius - You naturally radiate positive energy and leadership to others. You have a surplus of confidence in infinite abundance, and your fulfilment comes from letting your light, warmth and enthusiasm inspire others.

Jupiter in the earth signs of Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn - Your down-to-earth outlook allows you to set practical goals for the manifestation of prosperity and to achieve them. Your gifts to others are of actual substance. For example, you might build a house for them, care for their health, or give them a promotion.

Jupiter in the air signs of Gemini, Libra or Aquarius - You are blessed with superior mental ability and your contribution to others is on the level of ideas. You like to teach, communicate, socialize, and provide friendship to others. Your mind rises above everyday circumstances to see the whole picture.

Jupiter in the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces - Your gifts to others come from your emotional generosity. You give nurturing, courage and sympathy. You give of yourself to care about others, even in their hardest times, so that they will feel encouraged again.

Note: If you are interested, you can still read the postings at my old blogsites, which are Astrology Inspiration and Nature Ontario.

Monday, December 8, 2008

A Look at Astrology and the Stock Market

First of all, investment in the sense of luck or gambling is ruled by the Sun. The daily fluctuations in the stock market indices are ruled by the Moon. However, good investing goes far beyond either speculation or emotions. It goes right back to recognizing what has real value.

Luck or gambling can mean trying to gain a profit without putting out the good karma needed to deserve it. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, so if the good karma is not deserved, there can be big losses rather than big gains. However, if the karma is earned, there may be large gains. An example would be someone who has put out a lot of energy to help others without thought of selfish gain; they may then be "lucky" by getting their predicted karma back.

Stocks are influenced by the Moon, in that the behaviour of investors as a group is very predictable according to their emotional responses to news items. For example, if a report comes out that a particular company is not doing well, or that a particular sector of the economy shows promise, many investors will be influenced by that - most often, subconsciously, it appears.

However, to know how a particular company will do, it is necessary to get objective information - not to believe in luck nor to react emotionally. This information can come from research into the fundamentals of the company itself. For example, has it hired competent CEO's? Has it made wise decisions for the long-term future? How high is its debt load? Are any criticisms of it really justified? What is the real value of this company - now and in the future?

You can also get an objective look at a particular company by studying the astrological chart for the date of its incorporation, just as you would look at the birth chart to learn more about an individual. You could consider the synastry between your own chart and that of the company, as well as the current transits.

Finally, in terms of the karma of your investing in a particular company, would you be creating true prosperity by financially supporting it? For example, what is the company's environmental record? How does it treat women? How does it treat workers in general? Are its sales practises honest? Does it rely on hidden ties to government? What do the main profiteers from the company spend their money on? By looking at factors such as these, you can ensure that you are investing ethically.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

What Jesus Taught Us About Prosperity and Faith

Jesus taught us that, if we turn to God, God will provide for us. When he fed the crowd of five thousand with five loaves and two fishes, he did so by taking the loaves and fishes and looking up to heaven and giving thanks to God. In other words, he expressed gratitude in a positive way for what God had provided, regardless of whether it seemed like very much.

This story is not at all far-fetched in modern times. For example, I recently purchased an organic cantaloupe at a health food store. I scooped out the seeds with a tablespoon and realized that a whole cantaloupe plant, with several cantaloupes, could be grown from each seed. There were about 200 seeds from the one fruit and rather than throw them out, I have saved them for next spring to plant. Cantaloupes are an outstanding source of Vitamins A and C, and one cantaloupe can provide food for many people in the future. Besides that, I got to eat the cantaloupe.

Jesus also taught us not to worry about the food and drink you need in order to stay alive nor the clothes for your body. Instead, be concerned with the Kingdom of God and what God requries of you, and God will provide for you.

Look at where Jupiter is in your natal, astrological chart - its sign, houses and aspects - to see where you can better appreciate the prosperity potential which is already in your immediate environment, and how you can best make use of it for the good of all.

Note to the reader: I encourage you to find inspiration in your own religion, whatever it may be, because the essence of all religions is the same, infinite good. I also encourage you to share and communicate your inspiration with others. There are many paths to the top of the mountain, and I write this as one on the Christian path.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Your Natal Chart and Your Prosperity Potential

Because we were all created by God, prosperity is our natural state of being. If we find that we are not prosperous, it is just because a block is standing in the way of our prosperity.

Astrology is an excellent tool for identifying and removing any blocks we may have and discovering whom we really are, so that we can realize our full, God-given potential of being prosperous.

Positive thinking is the key to creating prosperity, because the thoughts we think go into our subconscious mind and influence our feelings and actions.

Each person has different areas of life where we find it easy to think positive thoughts and other areas where subconscious misbeliefs which we already have may be holding back our willingness to be positive.

Your unique astrological chart is very helpful in identifying these key areas and working with them to create new, positive core beliefs.

Remember that prosperity comes from within regardless of your present situation, and that you can create prosperity in your life from now on.

Just as green trees make a green forest, the more of us who take the time to look within and learn to harmonize our outward behaviours with our true essence, the more prosperous our society will be.